E-Learning 2019 – Analyse dualer Lernprozesse & Entwicklung einer “Top 5” Lehrstrategie bei IT DUAL

Autor / Paper Duale Ausbildungen sind in Lehrberufen etabliert, in der Hochschulischen Ausbildung jedoch noch eine Randerscheinung. Gerade die praxisnahe Ausbildung an Fachhochschulen profitiert von dualen Modellen. Dabei werden die Studierenden zum einen in der Hochschule und zum anderen in einem Unternehmen ausgebildet. Diese ergibt jedoch zusätzliche Herausforderungen an die Lehr- und Lernprozesse. Die Top … Weiterlesen

EDULEARN15 – When education innovation becomes standard: a process-oriented approach towards an educational standard for technical students

Autor / Paper Innovation is the driving force of human improvement. This is also true when it comes to education. Novel practices, tools, technologies as well as innovative ideas and materials trigger a constant improvement of teaching and learning having or not significant long-term effects in mind. The knowledge about innovation has changed the educational … Weiterlesen

INTED15 – using games and tools to motivate part-time students in blended learning environments and increase their overall performance

Co-Autor / Paper The use of games and edutainment in order to increase the motivation of students is nowadays very common. It has been done for some years in high schools, undergraduate programs and even in programs for graduates. When it comes to part-time studies with a blended learning rate with more than fifty percent, … Weiterlesen

ICERI14 – Automatic test-based assignment and semi-automatic assessment as a student support in education

Autor / Paper The possibilities of using e-Learning and blended learning effectively and application-oriented   in class has been an on-going process ever since. New „technology enhanced learning“ alternatives are therefore emerging rapidly. To keep up with this trend, we are permanently developing new tools and evaluating new possibilities to improve our courses. Our students are … Weiterlesen

EDULEARN14 – the human body in the virtual world – a missing part of a perfect online learning communication

Autor / Paper The body and the behavior/movement of the partners within a communication are important in all kinds of communication. Body language is vital for lecturers to gather information about the current level of attentiveness of the audience. Voice and text communication are the main techniques used in online learning environments. Webcams or other … Weiterlesen

ICEEE13 – Automatic test-based assignment and subsequent automatic assessment in e-Learning an empirical study of two courses (part-time and full-time course)

Autor / Paper The field of eLearning and distance education is very complex and technology is changing very fast. To keep up with new technologies, we are permanently developing new tools and evaluating new possibilities to improve our courses. Our students are provided with our own e-Learning platform called eNcephalon. Since summer term 2013, our … Weiterlesen

ICL12 – eLearning in the Cloud – benefits, costs and reasons for a cloud migration

Autor / Paper The topic elearning – especially when combined with cloud computing and scalability – is a wide spread area which covers different research fields. The department of Internet Technology at the FH JOANNEUM has a huge expertise in developing and using elearning systems since 2004. In that year, the department started their first … Weiterlesen

ICCHP12 – NAVCOM – WLAN Communication between Public Transport Vehicles and Smart Phones to Support Visually Impaired and Blind People

Co-Autor / Paper Visually impaired and blind people want to move or travel on their own but they depend on public transport systems. This is sometimes challenging. Some problems are to find the right vehicle, signalling their wish to enter or leave the vehicle and getting information of the upcoming stations. To solve these problem … Weiterlesen